Wake Forest University

My twin sister Nadia and I have played soccer most of our lives. We started at the age of four before playing club soccer with Team Boca when we were eight. Currently, we play for Weston DA/GA and recently on the Olympic Development Program's Florida State Team and the Region Team. We are blessed to have been invited to the National Camp, Interregional and International tournaments.
We work equally hard to maintain our GPAs of 4.0. Academics are important to us. My sister and I share many of the same interests such as Engineering and our involvement in our Robotic and Drone Club at North Broward Prep. where we are part of the National Honors Society. I hope you have time to learn more about us by contacting us at SoccerOliviaD@gmail.com and SoccerNadiaD@gmail.com
-Olivia DeMarinis
•Wake Forest University
• Weston DA/GA
• Team Boca 2010-2019
-Starting Defenders since U8 (14 shutouts last season)
- National League
- 2x State Cup Champions (only 4 goals allowed 2018/ 0 allowed 2019)
Southern Region Championship
• FC Prime ECNL 2018 U18
• ODP Region Team players (Thanksgiving Interregional, International and National Camp)
• Varsity Soccer Starters North Broward Prep HS
• Varsity State Track (4x400 relay School record by 5 seconds)
• Nadia’s GPA 3.95 - Olivia GPA 4.0
• Founders and CEO's of sports brand RetroXO ( retroXOelements.com )
Wake Forest University :
Coach Tony da Luz (daluz@wfu.edu)
Weston DA/GA:
Coach Jerome Samuels ( jerome.samuels@westonfc.org )
Team Boca:
Coach Patrick Baker ( coachbaker2115@yahoo.com )
Mario Rincon ( MarioTeamBoca@gmail.com )
High School Varsity Soccer:
Coach Tricia Amrhein ( tricia.amrhein@nbps.org )
Coach John Garrish ( garrishj@nbps.org )
Coach Kelly Brookins ( kelley.brookins@nbps.org )
Mike Strickler ( mstrickler@fysa.com )
ODP Region Team:
James Armstrong ( jba0012@auburn.edu )